Professional Development for Teachers



We offer a compassion-based approach to providing strategies for educators to conduct attention in their classroom through synthesized research into adolescent development and the affordances of modern technology.

“A wealth of information creates
a poverty of attention.”

— Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon

Educators will walk away with…

  • A compassion based approach to understanding adolescent development as it relates to technology and smartphone/social media use and why students are susceptible to technological addiction

  • Strategies and best practices for conducting student attention in a post-internet classroom (in the presence of smartphones and social media)

  • Ideas for intentionally shaping a culture around phones and social media in the classroom

  • A framework of the current digital landscape including the principles of addictive design and the challenges of technology we are all navigating

“In fifteen years of organizing professional development, this is the most engaged I’ve ever seen a group of secondary educators.”

— Director of Professional Learning

professional development for teachers

Workshop Model

Ultimately, teachers know what will best integrate with their existing pedagogy and student population. That’s why attendees are provided time and space within the scheduled program to collaboratively develop strategies that best suit their teaching practice based on the presented information.

Tailored to Your Educational Team

We individualize our content, discussions, and activities to your school’s educational approach in order to best inform and supply your teachers with information relevant and applicable to them. We also take into account your current school/district’s policy around phones and social media.

Compassion for Educators

By synthesizing research around the neurobiology of adolescent development and the affordances of technology, we hope to provide an opportunity for educators to better understand the challenges they face related to smartphones and social media in their classrooms.

Customized Session

We offer sessions ranging from 90mins to full days with pricing and scheduling flexible to your needs and intentions.

Resource List

We will provide your educational team with a list of resources including (but no limited to)

  • a link to the slide deck used

  • a short list of strategies we suggest

  • websites, youth organizations, and curriculum to educate youth about technology and social media

  • and a complete reference list of academic resources mentioned in the presentation

Growing Strategy Database

Upon completion, teachers are given the opportunity to join our PD Facebook group, where other educators who have attended our PD offerings continue the conversation about strategies that worked for them!

What the educators are saying..

  • Getting a deeper dive into the technology world that our kiddos are living in is imperative for all educators, parents, and any adult that is in the lives of children.

    Secondary Educator

  • This PD was eye opening in a hopeful way.

    Secondary Educator

  • This is a very informative PD that provides great information that helps parents and educators make informed and creative decisions about social media by students.

    Secondary Educator

We are currently booking dates for professional development for teachers

Academic Year 2024-2025!