We are deeply grateful to the talented individuals that collaborate with us.

The Post-Internet Project team is small, diverse, and intentional. While our core team is represented here, we believe that the work of Post-Internet Project extends far beyond our organization.

We sincerely hope you will join us on this journey together.

  • Annie Margaret

    Executive Director // Co-Founder
    Annie (she/her) is motivated to support individuals in creating intention, meaning, and healthy relationships with each other and ourselves in the digital age. As faculty at the ATLAS Institute of University of Colorado Boulder, her teaching and research investigate individual and collective best practices to counteract the negative impact of social media and smartphones on our mental health and wellbeing. She received her Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Northwestern University in 2014 and applies this rigorous training in the scientific method to explore the relationship between the design of social technologies and neurobiology. She loves working with her team to create solutions that incorporate an understanding of our biology, psychology, and culture.

  • Autumn Stevens

    Head of Operations // Co-Founder
    Autumn (she/her) is deeply inspired by the human experience and the evolving role of social technologies in individuals’ stories. Autumn believes PIP is a positive step in helping people harmonize the role of social technologies in their lives to create space for and cultivate meaning. With an interdisciplinary background in Anthropology, Creative Technology & Design, and Business Innovation, she loves to ask critical questions, synthesize perspectives, and celebrate the growth of people and ideas to ensure PIP has real world impact where it matters most. When not on the grid, Autumn can be found frolicking in the Colorado wilderness with her partner and pup, reading a sappy romance novel, or gardening.

  • Mythily Herz

    Chief Information Officer
    Mythily (she/her) is a passionate advocate for children's mental health. With academic backgrounds in Psychology from the Harvard Extension School and Law from the University of Chicago Law School, as well as career experience in corporate law and investment banking, Mythily helps PIP ground its programming in evidence-based research, while concurrently serving as a support to the legal and financial operations aspects of our group. When not poring over educational psychology research, Mythily loves to spend time in the Colorado outdoors with her two beautiful children and pup, volunteer with shelter animals and high schools, or curl up with a latte and a good book.

  • Grace Wakim, PsyD

    Clinical Psychologist // Addiction Specialist
    Grace (she/her) is a licensed clinical psychologist in both California and New York who has over a decade of experience offering specialized support for addiction in individual and group settings. Her practice integrates self-compassion concepts and research with a variety of perspectives (i.e. psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and mindfulness skills) to create a supportive space that cultivates reflection and growth for her clients. She has extensive experience working in inpatient and outpatient recovery settings and offering harm-reduction programs. Grace is inspired by the work of the PRISM team in providing a data-driven program to support those struggling with social media addiction and improve their quality of life.

  • Nick Hunkins

    Data Scientist // Information Architect
    Nick (he/him) is a data scientist with experience in both industry data-driven software development and academic research. He holds a master's degree in computer science and a bachelor's degree in mathematics. Deeply concerned about the commodification of attention, particularly among young people, he believes in the importance of mindful engagement in the digital age. Outside of his professional interests, Nick finds nourishment and perspective in a dedicated Zen practice. He also finds joy in practicing creativity through painting and music, and in exploring the great outdoors with his partner and friends.

  • Sarah Sharroufna

    Sarah Sharroufna

    Web Developer
    Sarah (she/her) is passionate about all facets of web development. As an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Creative Technology and Design, Sarah directs her enthusiasm into fostering self-growth and developing her career in web development. She is dedicated to the Post-Internet Project, driven by a desire to promote digital well-being and mindful engagement with technology. Sarah believes in the power of digital platforms to positively impact lives and create meaningful online experiences. Outside of her academic and coding pursuits, she engages in sports and plays music, finding these extracurricular activities enriching for her personal growth.